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Help us conserve and protect the beautiful 
alpine environment

Mt Baw Baw Alpine Resort is located in a pristine setting on the Baw Baw Plateau. With a summit elevation of 1565m and gently sloping terrain, the resort is surrounded by a rich variety of diverse alpine and sub alpine native vegetation.

The Resort takes pride in ensuring the land is managed to protect all its natural beauty while providing recreational and tourism activities across summer and winter.

Within the Resort boundary our role in environmental management includes pest plant and animal control, biodiversity monitoring and ensuring we follow best practice in drinking water, waste water and waste management systems.


The Resort comprises of highly diverse and sensitive flora and fauna communities. Baw Baw Plateau has been recorded as a site of national botanical significance with 189 indigenous flora species present across 11 Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) located within the Resort boundaries. The Resort is home to 30 Victorian listed rare vascular plants, in addition to two plant communities listed as threatened and protected under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. The Alpine Leafy Liverwort (Pseudocephalozia paludicola) is the only EPBC listed flora species within the Resort and is classed as vulnerable both nationally and in Victoria.

Disturbances to natural vegetation communities in the Resort generate appropriate conditions for the spread of pest plant species. Common disturbances within the Resort are caused by drainage lines, earth works, carpark run off and surface disturbance by vehicles, humans or animals. Across two previous studies completed in the Resort there have been 43 pest species identified to be present. These risks are managed by the implementation of appropriate permitting and monitoring of works and development within the Resort boundary.

Mt Baw Baw is home to a large array of indigenous fauna species. Two significant species have a focus of research conducted by Zoos Victoria and Parks Victoria, the endangered Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) that rely on old hollow trees and a dense understorey and the critically endangered Baw Baw Frog (Philoria frosti). You can find a vast array of bird species when visiting the Resort including the Flame Robin, Grey Currawong, White-eared Honeyeater and Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo!

Want to learn more? Join our citizen science project to track and document flora and fauna that call the Victorian Alpine Resorts home! This is also an excellent platform to use for plant ID while you’re exploring the village or trail network. Peaking Interest In Our Mountain

By submitting your observations, you are contributing to a broader database of citizen science observations that will be utilised by scientists, researchers and land managers to conserve our unique alpine environment. Have fun discovering the nature of Victoria’s Alpine Resorts!

Communities across the Victorian Alpine Resorts are invited to participate by sharing their environmental discoveries on the peaks of Mt Baw Baw, Lake Mountain, Mt Buller/Stirling, Mt Hotham and Falls Creek.

Victoria’s Alpine Resorts are located within the highest elevation parts of the state with habitat that includes tree-less peaks and sub-alpine woodlands. These areas are home to a number of threatened flora and fauna species.
By recording plants and animals, whether they be native or introduced, we can increase our understanding of natural values within the resorts and track any changes that may be occurring, such as changing flowering times with climate change.

Environmental Management Programs

We undertake a range of management programs across green season in collaboration with surrounding land managers and key stakeholders.
Parks Victoria & Zoos Victoria play a key role in assisting with the monitoring of the Leadbeater’s Possum with onsite nest box checks and pest predator control. Zoos Victoria also conduct annual programs on Resort to aid in ongoing research to fight extinction of the Baw Baw Frog.

As part of the Central Highlands Eden Project, the CHE team conduct annual field surveys to detect high risk weeds that threated native plants and animals of the region. This provides for an extensive range of biodiversity mapping that helps guide ongoing control of pest plants to ensure they’re managed in years to come.

We’re also pleased to support a range of university undertaking ecological research within the Resort. Some recent and ongoing projects include studies on the Broad-toothed Rat (Deakin University) and Snow Ecology through the Mountain Champions project lead by Susanna Venn (Deakin University).

The alpine dingo resource centre provides educational encounters with our Alpine Dingoes Rowdy, Warragul and Bunji. We recognise important role dingoes play being Australia’s only native canid and apex predator, keeping natural systems in balance and share lots of alpine dingo facts during the sessions! Have you met our resident Dingoes? Learn more here!

Environmental Management Plan

Environmental Management on Resort is guided by the Environmental Management Plan 2020-24. The plan has been developed to identify key objectives across the five themes of environmental values; being:

  • Water
  • Waste management and resource use
  • Energy and climate change
  • Land management and development
  • Biodiversity and threatened species

Along with the Resorts environmental policy, we aim to deliver a sustainable alpine experience that minimises the environmental impact of the Resort and enhances environmental values in particular to sensitive areas within and adjacent to the Resort. The plan outlines actions and goals to improve or adapt mountain operations to maintain a positive environmental footprint, measured annually against a range of KPIs.

Want to learn about our drinking water, sewage and waste management systems?

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